On Tuesday afternoon, adat haMachon welcomed the remaining members of our family to camp for second session, and it has been wonderful to finally have the group complete. At 71 campers, we have begun preparing for our next four weeks together. Right away, 25 campers auditioned for the Machon play, Aladdin, premiering on Thursday, August 11, and rehearsals, designing, choreographing, and other preparations are beginning immediately.
On Wednesday evening after enjoying the music of Rick Recht, Machon was privileged to attend a masterclass run by our very own Eyal, a staff member in bunk 62 and the camp's cartooning specialist. Concluding our day of learning about graffiti and its impact on Israeli culture on Monday, Machon learned how to make its own graffiti and well. Eyal showed us all how to jazz up the way we write letters, how to draw cartoon faces, and the in's and out's of shadows and inflection. These skills will be put to the test right away as we design and construct tzedakah boxes on Friday. Stay tuned for more updates and photos from that project!
Below are a few photos of last night's Machon Cartooning Night:
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